One of the reasons why I am excited is that it’s nice for someone to appreciate my little blog and think that it’s worthy of something like this. I was nominated by jumbledwriter and I really think that the blog is something worth checking out.

The Liebster Award Rules are this:

  1. You must link back to the person who nominated you.
  2. You must give 11 facts about yourself
  3. You must answer the Liebster questions given to you by the nominee before you.
  4. You must pick 10 bloggers to be nominated for the award, whose blogs have fewer than 200 followers.
  5. You must provide 10-11 questions for your nominees to answer.
  6. You must visit their blogs and notify your nominees.

11 Facts about me

  1. I am an emotional wreck, like I cry over everything that is emotional, whether it’s something sweet, or devastating I cry.
  2. I love romance
  3. I love love, I love seeing people in love, I love reading about love, I love feeling loved. I mean real love, like the one in 1 Corinthians 13. Love that is patient and kind, and forgives, and doesn’t hold things against people.
  4. I love telling my testimony when it’s asked. It’s of forgiveness, and restoration, and love
  5. My heart cries for young women, and it hurts me when they aren’t being loved in the right way
  6. I love movies, unless it is a horror or thriller movie.
  7. I have too many clothes
  8. I am about to graduate from college with my bachelor’s degree
  9. I am a huge introvert
  10. I want an island
  11. I love chocolate chip cookies

1.) How long have you had a blog?

My blogging has been on and off, but this one has been pretty consistent ( kind of) since January. I transferred posts from my old blog on WordPress over to here, because I liked this more.

2.) What have been some of your greatest achievements and what steps did you take to complete that achievement? (This does not necessarily have to be related to your blog.)

This is hard, as many accomplishments that I’ve gotten through school and sports, I think that not battling depression or anxiety anymore is my biggest achievement.

3.) Please finish this sentence: Blogging is important to me because….

It allows me to express what I can’t vocally. I have a hard time communicating my feelings because I tend to keep things held in. I’ve always written things down when I didn’t know how to say them, which is why I have at least five journals for high school. (so much teen angst)

4.) What topics do you hope to blog about in the future?

Everything and anything. This blog is about what interests me, and what brings me joy. So music, my faith, my family, my friends, fashion, and books. It’s also about things that break my heart in the world and expressing my wishes that the world would be better.

5.) Who are some of your favorite artists (can apply to musicians, painters, sculptors, writers, actors, etc.)?

Musicians: That’s difficult for me. I enjoy different genres. Right now, I’m in love with the voices of Etta James and Ella Fitzgerald. Their voices are strong and carry meaning in them. Etta James has this song called If I can’t have you and it makes me feel like I’m in love even though that has never happened to me.

Writers: Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie is my current obsession at the moment. I love that she writes and makes you feel the things that her characters are feeling. I also occasionally dabble in a Nora Roberts novel, and I love love love Lori Wick.

Actors: I don’t really have a favourite actor. If I like an actor or actress it is usually because of their looks or because they make me smile with their silliness.

6.) What is the purpose of your life?

1. To serve God, to bring glory to him

2. To live fully with everything that I do.

3. To love wholeheartedly, and not regret it.

4. To bring joy to people instead of sorrow.

7.) Did you have a favorite subject when you were in grade school?

I loved english and music.

8.) What did you hope to be when you were younger?

When I was younger, I wanted to be a fashion designing- soccer playing -doctor.

9.) Referring to the previous question, have any of those visions come true?

I’m working towards one of them. I can’t be a fashion designer because my imagination and drawing skills leave a lot to be desired. Soccer is fun for me, but I think that if I made it a job, then

10.) If you had to repeat one day of your life forever, which day would you pick?

This one is hard, because I can’t think of a day that I would want to live forever, the concept of having to experience something over and over and over, bothers me. Like happens and the spontaneity of the day makes it so much more exciting.

I nominate these blogs, don’t forget to check them out











Here are my 11 questions for you.

  • What motivates you?
  • What did you want to do with your life when you were younger?
  • What makes you smile
  • What is your purpose in life?
  • What is your biggest regret?
  • Three favorite stores to shop at?
  • Who are your favourite musicians?
  • What book would you recommend everyone to read other than (the bible, koran, torah)
  • What is your favourite blog to follow
  • What is something silly that you do
  • What is your guilty pleasure song.

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